Thursday, September 21, 2006

High Cholesterol Problem

The test results came back from the lab. Still not good. I tried three types of drugs to lower the cholesterol level but to no avail. Instead they all gave me other problems that never existed before.

The HDL is 0.94 (should be >1.0). The LDL is 3.77(should be <2.58). The triglyceride is 2.16(should be <1.68). The Total Cholesterol / HDL ratio is 6.1(should be <5.0).
The reading for the platelets is lower than 150(should be between 150-450).

"So, what next doc?" I asked my doctor. He said I am one of the very few who do not respond to the standard drugs(mostly statin group) prescribed for lowering cholesterol levels. I am also affected by the side effects. For the moment, no more drugs for me. He advised me to try green tea. They are reputed to contain a high concentration of polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants. Polyphenols will then help in neutralizing the free radicals that are freely causing damage inside my body.

As of today, I am now a tea drinker(three cups a day). I used to drink a lot of iced coffee, milo and nescafe. Now for health reasons, green tea it is. The occasional beer at the karaoke is still on though. He didn't say anything about that. heh heh ...

1 comment:

Siva said...

Very funny ... anyway, I haven't lost any sleep as yet due to green tea. Maybe it is still at an early stage. I drink 3 cups a day after meals. Will be taking my blood test in December to see if it works. One thing is sure .. it hasn't affected my game on the court nor my singing at de karaoke.. heh heh.