Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Well, Christmas has come and gone. Now it is suddenly the year 2006! Everything happened so fast, what with the flood and all. Next thing you know people are talking about new year resolutions.  It's the same story every year. As for me I have stopped making new year resolutions. I've come to the point in my life where I don't need to wait for the end of the year to make resolutions as to what I am going to do the following year. If I want something done I will go ahead and get it done. Life has been much better since.

     I read somewhere that procrastination is the thief of time. How true. We go through life telling ourself that we will do it tomorrow or next week or next month and before you know it, it is next year and we still haven't done what we planned to do. Then we go and make more resolutions.Making resolutions is not a bad thing in itself. It serves it's purpose when you fulfill your promises.

     Then there are those who set unreachable targets. They look at themselves in the mirror and make a resolution to lose 50kg in the next month so they can look like Brad Pitt or someone like him. It is possible to lose a few kilograms through exercise and dieting but set a reasonable target. You will never look like Brad Pitt. There is only one like him. Be your self and most importantly be happy with your body. The important thing is to be healthy and fit and you will look good. And one more thing, don't forget to smile as it radiates the beauty within your inner self.

     As Christians we have the peace and joy that is ours through Christ Jesus.  It helps us through trials and tribulations and we learn to accept our self as we are even as God has loved us the way we are. Now we can only improve and get better. Incidentally our neighbourhood is waiting for rain to wash away the mud from the flood. The strong smell from the mud is still hanging around. As we are living in the tropics the rain will come. It is just a matter of time. A friend sent me this new year greeting and I would like to share it with whoever visits my blog :

Faith makes things possible;
Hope makes things work;
Love makes things beautiful;
May you have all three to begin the new year;
Happy New Year.

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