Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Walk In The Park

Went for a walk in the park this morning. It was about 7.15am and the air was cool with a gentle breeze blowing. The sun was still sleeping. The birds were chirping high up in the trees and I felt fresh and enegertic as I walked along the footpath, enjoying nature and what it gives us for free when all of a sudden there was this piercing sound coming from behind me. Systematically done at a certain beat.

I turned around and there was this person clapping and walking. The clapping produced a sharp piercing sound and was amplified due to the quietness of the surrounding. I wasn't sure if the clapping was following the heart beat or some music inside this person's head but it sure spoiled the tranquility of that place at that time. I decided to stop and let this person go ahead of me as I got irritated by the clapping. I have no idea how the clapping is helping this person in keeping healthy. But I guess this is part of our democratic system. The right to clap in the park! What a bummer!

1 comment:

David BC Tan said...

Same thing over here in Titiwangsa. Some seniors clap their hands loudly as they walk. Found out it's supposed to release energy - chi. Whatever.