Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

I would like to wish all mothers who pass by this way a Happy Mother's Day. Below is a poem especially for you :

A Villanelle for Mother's Day

A villanelle for Mother's Day
Should take me just about an hour:
Writing it is child's play.

Because I know just what to say,
And rhyming's quite within my power,
To write it should be child's play.

Yet plain speech is not my way:
I look for leaves to shade my flower,
This villanelle for Mother's Day.

I do not wish to sound too fey,
Obscure, mystic, gushy, sour--
Arggh! Writing's never child's play!

Yes, childish! To my dismay,
Far beyond the allotted hour,
This villanelle for Mother's Day

Dawdles on. Let me just say
It plain: I love you, and so end our
Villanelle for Mother's Day.
(Well … writing it was child's play.)

- Nicholas Gordon

1 comment:

Siva said...

You are so right. I think I will search for the guy who posted it as a villanelle and give him the definition. Thanks estee. I not only learned a new word but also learned not to post things indiscriminately... heh heh.