Friday, December 09, 2005

Keeping Fit

After all the good food at the various functions I realized that I did put on a 'few' pounds. Some people might disagree with me on the word 'few' but I am not a stickler for details. Anyway, decided to go to the gym with my son. He to do some muscle strengthening and me to lose some 'pounds'. Went well for the first two days but on the third day overdid my knee lifts and injured my left knee (the one that had the torn meniscus repaired in May). There goes my keep fit plan. Maybe things will be better after the weekend when we get back from Ipoh. Meanwhile it's back to the tv and blogging time! heh heh..


David BC Tan said...

you'll have to be a 'stickler' for details then, considering how a bit of over-exercise can set you back.
btw, here's our family members' blogs if you want to visit:

Siva said...

Hi David,
You guys are way ahead of me in blogging la ... Very good for the mind, writing skills and improves one's English.