Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Minor Setback

As usual, my wife and I went to the club at 5.00pm for our tennis game. We had already arranged with the other pair to meet at the club at the appointed time. When we made the arrangements the weather was beautiful. Beautiful for our tennis players means a cloudy day.
When we arrived at the courts the weather had changed. The clouds had decided to move toThailand or somewhere far away from us. It was blazing hot but that didn't deter us from having our game. It was probably the heat that made me forget to warm up and do some stretches before starting the game.

Everything was fine until the second set. I was going forwards to retrieve a drop-shot from our opponent when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my thigh. It was probably the ham strings just below the biceps femoris. That was the end of the game for me. Fortunately for the remaining three players there was somebody at the pavilion to replace me. I slowly hobbled to the pavilion and watched the rest of the game from there.

When I reached home that evening I applied a cold pack on the wounded part to control the swelling and the expected internal bleeding. I guess it will be at least a week before I can do any physical activity.

There goes my tennis and my plans to resume golf! What a bummer! The magic word now is RECUPERATE. Rest and let the body heal itself or maybe I can go to the swimming pool and just use my arms to move around... heh heh..

1 comment:

David BC Tan said...

Have a magical moment then :)