Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 08, 2006

What Handicap?

To many people, losing the use of both arms would definitley be tragic as that would make us handicapped. I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like if I don't have both of my arms.

There are a number of people without both arms who have overcome their handicap and are making the best out of the situation. They have learned to use their feet and their mouth to earn a living. I am refering to the Mouth And Foot Painting Artist who are stationed in Kuala Lumpur and display their works in a gallery in Ampang Park. Their association reproduces the original artworks into bookmarks, greeting cards, calendars, wrapping papers, etc. Self-help, not charity, is the MFPA’s motto.

I purchased some of their greeting cards which are shown below :

The Star had a write up about the MFPA and the information on how to join this group for those who qualify is as below :

Who can join MFPA?
Any body who has lost the use of his hands and paints with the mouth or foot can become a potential member of the association. They must submit six paintings, a medical certificate stating that they are unable to hold a paintbrush with their hands, two photographs and a short biography. All materials will be sent to the association’s headquarters in Lichtenstein for evaluation before one can be accepted as a member. MFPA can be contacted at (03) 2161 8860/8502.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Cheer

It is that time of the year when supermarkets and shopping complexes start decorating and blaring out the special offers for Christmas. It is so easy to get caught up with all this hype and go on a buying spree. The attraction is "This is cheap, a great deal there, buy one get one and so on". What is it about Christmas that started this sales pitch all over the world?

It was a time for giving. The Christmas story is about God's greatest gift to us in the form of Jesus Christ who was given to us for our salvation. From this event we started this fad about buying gifts for people around Christmas time. When you give something to someone it shows you care about that person. Actually it should be about caring and loving your neighbour as yourself not only at Christmas time but all year around.

But being mortals, we tend to forget the real meaning of Christmas as we are too engrossed with our work or our hobbies or our careers or our families and our friends. At Christmas time we suddenly become more sensitive to the people around us and we become extra nice or generous to fit in with the Christmas spirit. For some, this 'caring' moment might even stretch beyond Christmas into the new year eve party where there will be more giving of gifts.

It is not a bad thing actually and maybe with time the caring spirit might last longer with the years until it becomes a part of our daily routine. Until such time I guess we will have to carry on with the practice of buying and giving gifts during Christmas. At least we would have made some poor soul happy for that short time. Something is better than nothing!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

World's Best Dermatologist?

Came across an advertisement in our local daily announcing the Festive Season Special Offer by one 'Dr Murad'. In the advertisement he claims to have been voted the 'World's Best Dermatologist'.

I immediately brought this piece of information to the attention of my dearest wife who is suffering from atopy eczema. She has seen so many skin specialist that sometimes when she happens to be attended by a doctor who is sitting in for the specialist at the government hospital, she ends up telling him what medication she wants. That's how experienced in skin matters she is. So, when I tell her about this 'World's Best Dermatologist', she asks to read further to find out who awarded him that title.

I read the fine print and it says 'VOGUE Magazine, Aug 2001 - LA USA'. When I gave her the information, she says that magazine is to cater for women's vanity. It's not a medical journal to give out such titles. Anyway, "LA USA is not the world." she says.

How true. It is typical of the Americans though. Whatever they do, they will declare it world standard or universal standard even though it is only their backyard. No wonder they lost in Vietnam and are now stuck in Iraq. They don't bother about the rest of the world but declare themselves champions of the world.

Coming back to this 'World Dermatologist', I was curious to see what a world class dermatologist had to offer us Malaysians.
1. Black heads and White heads
2. Pigmentation and uneven skin tone
3. Fine lines and wrinkles
4. Acne scars and blemishes

No wonder VOGUE was interested in this guy. His playing field was right down their front yard! I thought he might have some news for those suffering from soriasis or eczema or some other skin deseases that millions of people are suffering from.

This is capitalism in its truest form in a democratic society. Make money where you can and when you can and from whoever you can.

Well, that's life!